Wednesday, November 14, 2007

How fast is too fast for capital punishment

I agree with you about the death penalty, but I do see flaws in our justice system that faster executions would kill people that should not be put to death for their crimes due incompetent legal counsel, police or prosecutors who suppressed evidence and judges who gave jurors the wrong instructions.

According to wikipedia, “67% of capital convictions are eventually overturned; seven percent of those whose sentences were overturned were acquitted. Ten percent were retried and re-sentenced to death. The remainders typically end up with lesser sentences, up to and including life imprisonment”.

In conclusion, I disagree with your idea of faster executions. I believe having a death penalty with an appeals process is a good thing. Sometimes the courts get it wrong. I also do not agree with one of your facts, “Many murders are premeditated.” All murders must be premeditated, it they are not premeditated they are murder and are not punishable by death. I again agree with your last statement that, “There would be no words that can explain the loss of your loved one”. I would not want a person who was incorrectly convicted of murder of my loved one to be executed.

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