Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Who wins in 2008? Who cares!

As the next presidential election comes up in 2008, I find myself wondering if whoever I vote for truly matters. Does it really matter to the average American if we elect Clinton, Obama, or Giuliani? Who among us can honestly say that they have it bad in America right now or in the past? Would they rather be somewhere else?

What I am trying to say is to the average American, their life would change very little due to what president is elected now. Natural disasters and terrorist attacks will happen regardless of who is president. The president can not lower taxes; simple economics will show that the country probley could use more tax dollars, or at the very least tax dollars more wisely spent. The country has problems, but it is up Congress to help fix the problems.

In conclusion, I honestly fell that whoever wins the presidency will do the best job they can, and will truly try to help and lead the American people. It would probley help if a Democrat gets elected, since that is the majority in Congress right now. It really doesn’t matter which democrat as long as he or she can win the mind and heart of Congress. Then, maybe we can finally get something done around here.


Robert Gomez said...

A response to “Who wins in 2008? Who Cares!”

I would like to think we should all care. In his post, Herderman believes that it really doesn’t matter who becomes the next President. While I would agree with the fact that due to the Electoral College and the state, in which I live in my vote amounts to squat. While you may feel that little will change in our plush American lives, I feel a change is coming. When you start getting elections that are looking 50/50 there are real debates going on and Americans are not seeing eye to eye. Whichever Presidential nominee wins the election they will be able to push their agenda and support their constituents. There are still people that don’t believe in global climate change, and would like to continue America’s crack addict addiction to fossil fuels. So choice a party and support them and care, because it’s not about the present or the past it’s about the future.

Robert G-

Colin Hightower said...

I agree with what you’re saying with respect to the whole upcoming presidential election becoming extremely saturated and repetitive. I’ve already become fatigued by all of it, and I am becoming more resistant to hearing about potential presidential candidates and what they will supposedly do.

But I do believe that once all the speculation is drained, and we finally see who the true winner is. That person will have either a direct or indirect affect on our lives. I’ll try to give a good example of this. Try to imagine Bush being president, for say another 2-3 years. Our present situation would almost completely be the same (maybe worse), and this would only continue until new leaders take control of our government. When Bush is absolved of his duty, the individual replacing him will be in a unique position to guide us into a new chapter of history.

Also, when I think about this subject, thoughts of other presidents come to mind: Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin D Roosevelt. What would our history be like if these individuals weren’t elected and their electoral competitors were? It’s hard to decipher that, but our history would be dramatically different than what it is today. The average American’s life will change from whoever is elected president in the future.